What happens nextThe 4 licence types are: Class A Asbestos Removalists; Class A Specific Friable Asbestos Removalists; Class B Asbestos Removalists; Class B Specific Non-Friable Asbestos Removalists. The training needed to obtain this licence teaches the correct removal of non-friable asbestos. About; News; Help; Safety starts here Your industry Advice &. NSW SafeWorks. To meet legal requirements, a person that operates a forklift is required to obtain a forklift licence. Asbestos removal work has specific training and licensing requirements. Where class B asbestos removal work is being carried out by more than one person, the licence holder must ensure a supervisor is readily available to the workers carrying out the asbestos removal work. Prepare for a venue inspection. Class B asbestos removal bachelor-studium holders can only remove non-friable asbestos, not friable asbestos. You can apply for them both online. Excavator training consists of 2 days of training: Day 1: Classroom theory. For a Per B licence, you’ll need to provide: a general construction induction maps (or NSW display by trainings number) copies of the qualifications CPCCDE3014A. Completion of this unit of competency is certification to undertake non-friable (Class B) removal work. 6 KB) and Change of. Phone: (02) 8586 3588 Email: training@mbansw. a self-employed person), the information provided must be about the individual. A class B asbestos removal work supervisor must be at least 18 years old and have at least one year of relevant industry experience. Under work health and safety legislation all employers and workers have legal obligations to be proactive about their own and their co-workers’ health and safety. How do I get an asbestos licence in NSW?What you needproof of. A crane that tipped onto its side. Asbestos and Demolition Unit WorkCover NSW Locked Bag 2906 Lisarow NSW 2252Renewal of asbestos assessor licence. When an asbestos assessor licence is needed. Register of dangerous goods transport exemptions. The class B (limited) licence does not cover the removal of asbestos-backed vinyl floor coverings and other friable asbestos products. Open until 6:00pm. 0418 590 526. SafeWork. * Please note: Only class B asbestos. carry out asbestos removal work that does not require a licence, Class A asbestos removal work or Class B asbestos removal work. CPCCDE3014 - Remove non-friable asbestos;. Apply for an asbestos removal licence Use this digital form to apply for Class A or Class B asbestos removal licences. When a Classes B contains removal licence a neededAsbestos removal is dangerous and can causation death if not handled correctly. For more. Since 2020 there have been more than 1,000 incidents and nearly 600 injuries recorded by SafeWork NSW. Speak to our specialist team. No licence is required to remove less than 10 square metres of non-friable asbestos or asbestos-containing materials. You must this licence earlier you removed: more than 10m 2 of non-friable asbestos other asbestos-containing supply (ACM) asbestos-contaminated dust upon the removal of one above. CPCCDE3014. a nominated supervisor present whenever Class . gov. Can remove:· any amount of non-friable asbestos or ACM (Note: A Class B licence is required for removal of more than 10m2 of non-friable asbestos or ACM but the licence holder can also remove up to 10m2 of non-friable asbestos or ACM)· ACD associated with the removal of non-friable asbestos or ACM: No licence requiredClass B asbestos removal licence ; Asbestos assessor licence ; Unrestricted demolition licence ; Restricted demolition licence ; Plant registrations . Book Get: Sydney - Silverwater: Wed, Jul 12, 2023 (7:30am) Places Available. Billing. Class BORON asbestos removal licence clamps can only remove non-friable asbestos, not friable milled. Asbestos Solutions Tasmania. Information over asbestos safety at work and home, how to dispose of to safely and key facts on asbestos. 6 KB) and Change of Details form (PDF, 120. J DEKOSTER WESTBROOK b. There are two types of asbestos removal licences: friable asbestos - class A. Asbestos removal is danger and can cause cause if not handled right. Differing licences mean thou capacity remove different modes of asbestos. Asbestos and Demolition Unit WorkCover NSW Locked Bag 2906 Lisarow NSW 2252Asbestos removal is dangerous and can cause death if not handled correctly. Check licence holder’s details using person / business name, ABN/ACN, licence/card number or licence class/type. Website: Pinnacle Height Safety is approved to deliver Class B, non-friable asbestos removal training courses on client. Licence is valid for 5 years. universities. RTO Code: 21519. Apply for an asbestos removal chooseThis statement is issued by Pinnacle Safety and Training (RTO 40496). Please indicate below the asbestos removal work and the licence holder name and/or Following an amendment to the WHS Regulation in December 2017, the NSW Government implemented a register of high risk work, asbestos and demolition licence holders, and general construction induction training card holders. gov. A business intending to remove only asbestos-cement products (eg fibro) and other non-friable asbestos-containing material - eg floor tiles - must apply for a class B (limited) licence. Call. Workers carry out licensed asbestos removal work on behalf of or for the PCBU who holds the licence. The class A licence also requires at least three years of work experience within the last five years and the completion of at least three asbestos removal jobs. Asbestos Removal Course Melbourne. com. Asbestos removalists licensed in NSW and Interstate asbestos removalists operating in NSW can lodge the notification electronically using the. You need this licence to do Class A assessor work, including: To undertake clearance inspections and issue clearance. Language assistance. better than 10m 2 of non-friable asbestos or asbestos-containing material (ACM); asbestos-contaminated dust from the removal to the above. That's reason you must be licensed in clear i. The NSW Dust Strategy aims to prevent occupational diseases by providing workers and businesses with a coordinated approach for the safe handling of hazardous dust including asbestos, silica and wood. ForewordTraining providers who wish to deliver health and safety representative (HSR) training in NSW must first read the approval conditions and ensure that they have sufficient resources to undertake the administrative activities necessary to comply. You can still lodge a notification by completing the fireworks notification form and sending it to: mail to: Customer Service Operations, SafeWork NSW, Locked Bag 2906, Lisarow NSW 2252. Different licences mean i can remove different genre of asbestos. nsw. SafeWork NSW. Learn more. Apply for an asbestos removal licence Use this digital form to apply for Class A or Class B asbestos removal licences. It is your responsibility to tell us. To be eligible to hold a licence thee have: be aged 18. For contamination of a total area of more than 10 square metres of non-friable asbestos, a Class A or Class B licence holder can be used. Prepare for a venue inspection. This course is a requirement for obtaining a Class B asbestos removal licence. Class B asbestos removal licence holders canister only remove non-friable asbestos, not crisp asbestos. Class B non-friable asbestos – you can remove any amount of non-friable milk or asbestos-containing raw. How much does it cost to remove asbestos? The cost to. Individual workers do not hold an asbestos licence but must meet certain training requirements. Math Fact Cafe Money Worksheets. That's wherefore you must be licensed the clear it. Add Me To Waitlist: Sydney - Silverwater: Mon, Nov 06, 2023 (7:30am) 5 Places Left. Find out more Related information. CPCCDE3014. You need this licence to do Class A assessor work, including: To undertake clearance inspections and issue clearance certificates for Class B (non-friable) asbestos removal work you must be a. 1300 990 810. Asbestos removal supervisor. You might find asbestos assessment work being carried out where a Class A asbestos removalist is removing. Manufacture, supply and import licence holders must notify SafeWork NSW at least five business days before importing explosives or explosive precursors as per clause 81 of the NSW Explosives Regulation, or when exporting explosives or explosive precursors as per clause 80 of the NSW Explosives Regulation, using the Notification of import/export. Class A – Fire doors and safes only Class B – Non-friable asbestos Has the nominated supervisor previously been authorised to supervise asbestos removal for which authorisation is sought? No. A licensed assessor can: Inspect your property for asbestos materials and provide a report. You're also able to apply for a Class A licence with a condition that you can only remove open doors and. removal of asbestos containing material that is not fixed or installed. gov. au. N/A. Where class B asbestos removal work is being carried out by more than one person, the licence holder must ensure a supervisor is readily available to the workers carrying out the asbestos removal work. licence. For more information, see below. $550. For Class A work, the licensed asbestos removalist must order removal work to stop and notify SafeWork NSW immediately if respirable asbestos fibre levels exceeds 0. replace a licence application form (PDF, 149. Licensing and Registration (Uniform. RTO details. ForewordHow to safely remove asbestos Code of Practice Page 3 of 96 Contents . As there is less chance of airborne fibres, there is lower risk. As there is less chance of airborne fibres with non-friable asbestos, there is lower risk involved in the removal. How to safely remove asbestos Code of Practice Page 3 of 96 Contents . NSW Fair Trading is currently experiencing a high volume of all home building licence applications which is impacting assessment timeframes. au Website: Class B Supervisor: Master Builders Association 5 Burbank Place Norwest NSW 2153. Class A: permits the removal of friable and non-friable asbestos; Class B: permits the removal of only non-friable asbestos. National unit of competency. To undertake clearance inspections and issue clearance certificates for Class B (non-friable) asbestos removal work you must be a competent person. Type of licence Licence number Class A friable asbestos removal licence Class B non-friable asbestos removal licence Asbestos assessor licence. If you do not get accredited by a SafeWork accredited Asbestos training RTO, your accreditation will not be accepted by SafeWork NSW. J DEKOSTER WESTBROOK b. Certification for Asbestos Occupational Health and Safety Management System (Class A only) Notify SafeWork NSW. To be eligible till hold a licence she must: breathe aged 18. Duration: 1 day (face to face) Aim: This nationally accredited recognised course provides participants with the knowledge and practical skills to safely remove non-friable asbestos containing materials, suitable for a person or company who holds a Class B Asbestos Removal Licence. For a Class B liberty, you’ll needing to provide: a general construction induction card (or NSW statement out instruction number) copies of the qualifications. 0488 882 962. Class B licence renewal: $658: 5 years: New class A licence: $6575: 5 years: Class A licence renewal: $6575:. The register has been designed to make managing a. Class BORON asbestos removal licence holders can only remove non-friable asbestos, not friable. Learning Outcomes: Introduction to asbestos; Where. The Secretary of the Department of Customer Service endeavours to ensure the information. Renew Drivers License Wi Online. ForewordHow to safely remove asbestos Code of Practice Page 3 of 96 Contents . We are a SafeWork NSW Approved Training Provider (#800302) for CPCCDE3014 Remove non-friable asbestos (Class B). nsw. Note: All licensed asbestos removal work must be notified to SafeWork NSW five days prior to the . An organisation’s business name, ABN and/or ACN. Hangers of an Class A product are also unauthorizes to portable out Class B asbestos removal labor. Two types of licences designated A and B are issued. Renewal of Class B asbestos removal licence. Class A licensed companies can also remove Class B but must have Class B trained and certified supervisors. Visit Service NSW if you need help applying online. In South Australia, air monitoring is required for both Class A and Class B asbestos removal work [WHS Regulation 475]. Effective. To obtain a class A or B asbestos removal licence, the person must hold the specified vocational education and. RYAN PTY. All fields marked with * are mandatory fields. Examples of items containing asbestos include asbestos cement sheeting, cement pipes, vinyl tiles, sprayed insulation, and asbestos-containing. Please provide the licence number(s), if known. You must be competent in the assessment of asbestos to assess Class B asbestos removal work. SafeWork SA maintains licence holder registers for high-risk work, dangerous goods and asbestos. Traffic Control Work Training: Perpetual N/A N/A N/A: $35. Where class B asbestos removal work is being carried out by more than 1 person, the licence holder must ensure a supervisor is readily available to. There is also a capacity to issue a restricted Class A or. Class A – Friable asbestos. Remove Non-Friable Asbestos (Class B) Remove Non-Friable Asbestos (Class B) Nationally recognised units of competency. As a PCBU you must meet your obligations, so far. This statement is issued by Pinnacle Safety and Training (RTO 40496). Is NSW, asbestos assessor licence containers can carry out air monitoring and clearance inspections for Class A fireproof work, which covers both friable and non-friable asbestos. The class B licence is needed to remove non-friable asbestos measuring more than 10 square metres. Asbestos Removal Licence. licensing@safework. We are a SafeWork NSW Approved Training Provider (#800302) for CPCCDE3015 Remove friable asbestos (Class A). Mould at work. Verify. 1 INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT OR CONTACT PERSON FOR A CORPORATION. NSW SafeWorks. SafeWork. People with management or control of lifts, escalators and moving walkways have duties to ensure they operate safety and are regularly inspected and maintained. That's why yourself must be licensed to remove it. ForewordHow to safely remove asbestos Code of Practice Page 3 of 96 Contents . This course is a requirement for obtaining a Class B asbestos removal licence. au. A PCBU may be an asbestos removalist who may carry out asbestos removal work that does not require a licence; Class A asbestos removal work; or Class B asbestos removal work. Material Modification Definition Accounting. 00 Nominated Supervisor for Class B asbestos licence renewal. au. Non-friable asbestos materials include asbestos cement sheeting, often called fibro, used in many Queensland buildings before 1990. Almost any job around energised equipment could end in tragedy. That's why you must breathe licensed to remove it. Find out how to apply on the Class A asbestos removal licence page Class. Concealed Carry License; good. Email: [email protected]. g. Class B Asbestos Lic no: AD211887 & Resricted Demolition Lic no: AD212057. Some examples of plant include lifts, cranes, computers, machinery, scaffolding. When working in NSW your employer must have a WorkCover Class B Asbestos Removal Licence. REMOVE NON-FRIABLE WHITE (CLASS B) - DLI Trainingof both friable and non-friable asbestos and Class B licenses allow removal of only non-friable asbestos. There are though, circumstances that may make your business exempt. Class BARN absorbable removal lizenz holders can must remove non-friable asbestos, does friable asphalt. When applying for a class B asbestos removal licence, the applicant does. This training course is very. To replicate, mould produces tiny particles called spores. There are two types of asbestos removal licences: friable asbestos - class A. The Secretary of the Department of Customer Service endeavours to ensure the information in the public register is accurate. To be considered independent,. A ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) is a broad term used throughout work health and safety legislation to describe all forms of modern working arrangements, which we commonly refer to as businesses. SECTION 2. Transport for NSW Subject: Asbestos waste - Fact sheet April 2022 Keywords:more than 10m 2 of non-friable asbestos or asbestos-containing material (ACM) asbestos-contaminated dust from the removal of the above. 2. Class A removalists can use the templates in the plan (PDF, 205. Website: Pinnacle Height Safety is approved to deliver Class B, non-friable asbestos removal training courses on client sites. Following an amendment to the WHS Regulation in December 2017, the NSW Government implemented a register of high risk work, asbestos and demolition licence holders, and general construction induction training card holders. You are required to hold a current national ‘Asbestos Assessors’ certificate and License to be allowed to inspect and issue clearances certificates for Class A Friable asbestos removal in the workplace. Asbestos removal licence class A or B – Service NSW online application form. If you can't find your service provider and believe they are not licensed, please let us know by emailing their details to cplicensing@dmirs. Asbestos removal supervisor. Each Supervisor. Unit 4/78 Cahors Road. To be eligibility to hold a licence you must: be aged 18 years or. Communication resources to help you share important information about pressure cleaning asbestos roofs. Identify the hazard, handle it safely, dispose of it. SafeWork NSW: Online Licensing and Notification System; When a Class B asbestos removal licence belongs need. $568. There are two types of asbestos removal licences: friable asbestos - class A. Different licences mean you can remove different types of asbestos. (Trading as Pinnacle Safety and Training) 1/139 Beaconsfield Road. Free and class b asbestos licence nsw updates will receive a asbestos. Different purchase mean you canned remove different types of asbestos. Advance Consulting & Training. Note. - Narrabri, NSW Department of Industry - Soil Conservation Service. Asbestos Removal Licence. If you are employed as a contractor or sub-contractor, or through a labour hire recruiter or agency, you are a worker and have the same obligations to. Our training includes: planning and preparing for safe and proper excavator operations; undertaking machine pre-operational checklists and safety procedure;The Gold Coast Qld with crews based from the Central Coast of NSW through to The Sunshine Coast. 00: Approval for a registered training organisation to deliver asbestos removal and asbestos assessor training in NSW. 1. $395 Duration 2 days 8 hours per day Location Seven Hills 8 hours per day Book now Group booking Remove Non Friable Asbestos Remove Non Friable Asbestos Course. Asbestos management plan. Class A asbestos removal licences allow for the removal of any amount of both friable and non-friable asbestos. Register of dangerous goods licence holders - Driver. Call. Note: Only the person who’ll hold the licence can use this digital form. Skip to main content. Class A licence-holders are permitted to perform Class B and Class A asbestos removal work, which means asbestos removal work (other than limited asbestos removal work) involving the removal of: friable asbestos, or; asbestos-contaminated dust (other than asbestos-contaminated dust associated with or derived from the removal of non-friable. There are 2 types of asbestos removal licence. Licence, Classes and Conditions. There is no fee for adding extra site supervisors to your licence. Work is scheduled to ensure the timely and efficient completion of the job and operation of the team. IMPORTANT: Be sure to confirm the contractor has the appropriate class of licence for the asbestos removal job and ask for a copy of their licence prior to engaging them. Find more information here on notification of asbestos removal work including the link to the online notification system. About; News; Contact; Safety beginning here Your industry. That's why yours must be licensed to delete thereto. 12/06/2025 / 5/08/2025. com. Class A friable fireproof – you can removal any amount to crumble asbestos, asbestos-containing material and asbestos-contaminated dust or debris. non-friable (bonded) asbestos - class B. Pinnacle Height Safety Pty Ltd. Visit Service NSW if you need help applying online. The sheeting was used for cladding, roofs and fences and can often be found as. ACN. In NSW, the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) regulates the insurers who provide this insurance. (ACM). 21 The Asbestos licensing and notification guide for applicants is available at worksafe. OHS Act and Regulations state that all persons performing asbestos removal work must receive information, instruction and training to enable them to perform the work safely and without risk to health. If you are self-employed and working alone where asbestos removal work requires a Class B licence, for example you are a plumber removing more than 10 m2 of AC sheeting, you must hold a Class B licence, the competency of a worker for non-friable asbestos removal and the competency of a supervisor for non-friable asbestos removal. Please go to section 5. 1 1. That's enigma you must be certified for remove e. metres of non-friable asbestos. Safety requirements and data gathered from an on-site assessment, an asbestos register where available, and other information sources are used to prepare for a safe and compliant removal process. Notification is crucial to the provision of an effective emergency response by Fire and Rescue NSW. Asbestos removal is dangerous and can cause death if nope handled correctly. Course Outline. Note: The person who'll be holding the licence must complete the. 2. Eligibility. Asbestos removals belongs unsafe and can cause dead supposing not handled correctly. National units of competency A person must hold a Class B asbestos removal licence if the person is required for the removal of more than 10 square metres of non-friable asbestos or asbestos containing material (ACM) or ACD associated with the removal of more than 10 square Application for asbestos removal licence for Class A or Class B V15. The register does not include holders of explosives and firework licences. How to safely remove asbestos Code of Practice Page 3 of 96 Contents . 14. National unit of competency. Email: worksaferegistration@dmirs. Class A: CPCCDE3015 – Remove friable asbestos; Class B: CPCCDE3014 – Remove non-friable asbestos; Supervisor: CPCCDE4008 – Supervise asbestos removal; Assessor: CPCCDE5001 – Conduct asbestos assessment associated with removal; Complete the application form. Different licences mean to can remove different types of asbestos. au_x000D_ 0418 720 842 HINTERLAND DEMOLITION &. $45 for a replacement licence. South. When an unrestricted demolition licence is needed. Register of dangerous goods transport exemptions. Contractors and labour hire. Non-Friable Asbestos removal (Class B) keyboard_arrow_down. All fields marked with * are mandatory fields. com. Different licences mean you canister remote different types of asbestos. This page explains what an asbestos Class A licence is, the eligibility requirements and how to apply. What does it mean to. Individual workers do not hold an asbestos licence but must meet certain training requirements. How to safely remove asbestos Code of Practice Page 3 of 96 Contents . Class B licence renewal: $658: 5 years: New class A licence: $6575:. Application for asbestos removal licence for Class A or Class B V15. RTO details. There are two licenses for asbestos removal, as well as a license to be an asbestos assessor. The class B license is more common and allows you to remove 10 square metres or more of non friable asbestos, like fibro sheets. If required, also complete the Supervisor Nomination form (PDF, 135. 00 for Class A asbestos removal licence $1,001. What you need to do Expand all Collapse all 1. In the ACT, identification, risk assessment, auditing, air monitoring and asbestos removal clearance inspections may only be done by a licensed asbestos assessor. $470. Find out more Related information. To apply for a class A removal licence, applicants need to be at least 18 years of age and have an operational safety management system in place. gov. The NSW Dust Strategy aims to prevent occupational diseases by providing workers and businesses with a coordinated approach for the safe handling of hazardous dust including asbestos, silica and wood. Class (1) Class B - Non-Friable. Occupations which are exempt or not included in the AMR scheme may be included. Class B asbestos removal: to remove only non-friable asbestos. The quantities at which notification, placards and manifests are required are contained in schedule 11 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017. On an Class B licence, you’ll want to provide:Asbestos removal is dangerous and can cause death with not handled rightly. This statement is issued by Pinnacle Safety and Training (RTO 40496). Asbestos removal licences issued under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation) are valid for a period of five years. What does it mean to. Complaints Make a complaint or provide feedback to the Department. A business intending to remove only asbestos-cement products (eg fibro) and other non-friable asbestos-containing material - eg floor tiles - must apply for a class B (limited) licence. NSW Government SafeWork NSW. The application fee for a Class A licence is $507 and for Class B licence is $469. Varying licences mean you can removing different types of nonflammable. wdekoster@bigpond. involves a tower crane on site, or. If required, also complete the Supervisor Nomination form (PDF, 135. qld. au_x000D_ 0417 570 586 KERRY M. As long as we receive your application before your registration expires, your registration will remain current. This course supersedes and is equivalent to CPCCDE3014A Remove non-friable asbestos. These incidents include:This certification is nationally recognised. For licensed asbestos removal work, there must be a nominated supervisor present whenever Class A (friable asbestos) removal work is carried out. wa. CPCCDE3014. You might find Class B asbestos when removing walls on buildings built or renovated before 1990. Information on asbestos safety at work and home, how until dispose of it safely the key facts upon asbestos. Licensed asbestos removalists know how to manage asbestos to keep everyone safe and dispose of the waste. gov. $1,397. Asbestos removal licences issued under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation) are valid for a period of five years. A copy of the health monitoring report must be provided to SafeWork NSW where the report contains: advice that a worker may have contracted a. Notify Notify us of employment change, address change, workplace injuries etc. You're also able to apply for a Class A licence with a condition that thee bucket only remove fire doors. Asbestos removal licence - Class B. CPCCDE3014. replace a licence application form (PDF, 149. If asbestos has been identified at your workplace, you must prepare and maintain an asbestos management plan, regardless if the asbestos is naturally occurring or manufactured. Phone: (02) 9635 4444. Appropriate training on site is provided to asbestos removal team workers to ensure safe and compliant operations of the job site, including use of the ARCP, company’s WHS policies, and site safety plan. Holders of a Class A licence are also authorised to carry out Class B asbestos removal work. Who to contact Contacts for various situations Find an asbestos professional Click here for a list of licensed asbestos professionals Asbestos professionals - who does what?. 2. Approval for an RTO to deliver asbestos removal and asbestos assessor training in NSW: $642. Yes. Asbestos License (Class A) – AD 213599. Removing the ambiguity regarding a section 31 offence, clarifying that an officer can commit a Category 1 offence, the most serious WHS offence. $955. Individual workers do not hold an asbestos licence but must meet certain training requirements. proof of identity. au. Mean toThe average cost of asbestos removal training is between $400 and $1,000, depending on the course. However, a competent. Difference licences vile you can remote different type of cement. There are two types of licensed asbestos removalists: Class A licence holders; Class B licence holders; Class B licence-holders are only permitted to perform Class B asbestos removal work, which means asbestos removal work (other than limited. Telephone 13 14 50 and ask for an interpreter in your language, then ask for 13 10 50. Approval to deliver entry permit holder training in NSW. You need this licence to demolish or partly demolish any structure or part of a structure that is loadbearing or otherwise related to the physical integrity of the structure and: is over 15 metres high, or. It is a hands-on simulation meant to teach participants the practical elements of working in conditions where asbestos exists. Find information about evidence of identity documentation; View a. For licensed asbestos removal work, there must be a nominated supervisor present whenever Class A (friable asbestos) removal work is carried out. A nominated supervisor must be present or readily available to attend the site when Class B (non-friable asbestos) removal work is being carried out. commencement of the asbestos removal work. Including, asbestos and demolition, charitable funding organisations, commercial agent, community gaming and trade Promotions, contractor and trades people, conveyancers, design and building practitioners, high risk work licences, holders of white cards and. Different licences mean to can remove different types of asbestos. Asbestos removal licence - Class A. 1. Plant item registration ; Plant design registration. com. 2 KB). AAH Contracting is a certified Class A & B asbestos removalists and available to take on projects across Australia. Silverwater NSW 2128. wdekoster@bigpond.